My first radio was a Ten-Tec Argonaut 509. I should say my first HF radio as my very first was an Icom 22S. Most of my friends were buying Kenwood TS-520’s or similar Icom or Yaesu radios. I liked the fact that it was made here. I also liked the idea of low power operation. Although getting by should never suffice for good engineering practice QRP does afford the ability to get by with situations where 100 watts or more can cause problems. 5 watts will not make the lights in my radio room dim.
So I received word today that my Argonaut 515 has been repaired and has been shipped from Ten-Tec. Here is what I told them was wrong with the radio.
String is broken. Audio is low. RF sensitivity is unknown. RF output seems good. Feet are missing.
I never figured out what my father did with the feet and I do not remember him saying anything about them. If I have them I have no idea where they might be. The string breaking is a common problem. Ten-Tec sells kits to replace the string. I suspect that there was something wrong with the front end of the receiver or the audio output. The total repair was about $220. I will not be selling the radio. I always regretted selling the 509.
Tomorrow there is a hamfest in town. I will be taking the Kenwood TS-140S. Someone may get a really great deal. Obviously I want to pay for the radio repair.